Wednesday, November 30, 2016

15% Average Return in Private Capital Markets

"China and the Emerging Markets are beating us at our own game," says David Rubenstein.

Billionaire and CEO, David Rubenstein of the Carlyle Group, the world's largest private equity firm, managing over $150 Billion, says private equity has been outperforming the public stock market for years. He says the average return for most PE funds is 15% annually, almost double the return from mutual funds or the public market.

For more information on the Private Capital Markets please contact us at Kindigo Capital

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Russian Bonds, Agriculture and Gold

In depth interview with legendary investor Jim Rogers.

  • Own gold and silver as an insurance policy;
  • Limit deposits in banks
  • Russian government bonds
  • USD reserves
  • Agriculture assets
  • Short major equities
To implement strategies that include Jim's favourite assets, please contact us for more details.

Monday, October 3, 2016

High Frequency Trading vs Private Capital Markets

As a follow up to my previous post on the RMB and Direct Registration of shares, I'd just like to remind people that when you own private equity shares or trust units, the computer algorithms that are wreaking havoc and unprecedented volatility on the public stock exchanges around the world, have little affect if any at all.

For example;  during the 2008 financial crisis the publicly traded REIT's (Real Estate Investment Trusts) went down with the market and lost about 30%. Meanwhile the private REIT's gained roughly 3%!

"UNPLUG" your wealth from the computer algorithms and move your shares into direct registration, or take possession of the paper certificates themselves. We can help you with this and also show you how to increase the insured value of your cash and shares with our special Kindigo Unplugged strategy.

As a licensed professional broker for over twelve years trading and investing in these markets, trust me when I tell you that most of the volatility on the exchanges is not due to fundamentals. However, one of the things that bothers me the most in the investment industry is this belief that having a "balanced and diversified" portfolio in the PUBLIC market is the best way to build wealth. This has been proven wrong time and time again. The most successful investors become disciplined experts in their field and focus on very few investments. Even Warren Buffet is focused on "value investing," not being balanced and diversified. He buys businesses for their value, not for diversification. Mind you this word diversification is overdone because you cannot be PROPERLY diversified if you have all your money in the PUBLIC market.

In my view being PROPERLY diversified means having investments in different types of markets as well as the public market; for example, private equity shares and collectables, like paintings or classic cars. Investing in the PHYSICAL economy is a type of safe haven investment, and we can help you design a properly diversified portfolio that includes both public and private investments.

For more information on getting "UNPLUGGED" from the system and how you can insure the FULL VALUE of your cash and shares not just the limits offered by banks and brokers, please contact us and we'll help you with a full proof strategy for protecting your wealth.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Renminbi Joins SDR Basket

Dear readers,

A milestone event occurred today as the Chinese Renminbi was officially included in the IMF's SDR basket, and we have not seen gold or silver make any huge rallies these past few weeks? This raises many questions regarding gold and silver and the equities markets in general:

  • What will happen on Monday?
  • Is this event already "baked in the cake."
  • Does this have anything to do with the Deutsche Bank collapse?
  • Who lost a portion of the SDR pie to let the RMB in, or did the pie just get bigger?
  • Is the RMB a quasi gold-backed currency?
  • Is the 2016 gold and silver rally due to this event and will it deflate going forward?
  • What was the secret deal China made to be allowed in the "good-ol-boys" club?
  • Will China forgive US dept and call it a wash?

Seems like the games they play never end. So how are we going to protect our wealth from the constant games "THEY" play with the currencies and the financial markets? 

You take away their balls!

Remember back in the playground when your little brother wanted to play soccer with the big boys and you didn't let him because he was too small and he might get hurt. So what did the little boy do?
He grabbed the ball and ran away with it. Now no one can play THE GAME!
Why do you think a banks BIGGEST fear is a "bank run?" Because that's when the game ends, they have no balls to play with. And the same applies to your stock broker. Without your money in a stock brokerage account, there is no game!

What I'm trying to say here folks is, these shenanigans in the global financial markets will never end until you remove your money or stocks from their control. This is the ONLY way the truth will come out and REAL MONEY, GOLD will emerge as the winner.

This is the true purpose for using the DRS system, and we have the best solution for you.

Please contact us for more information.


Bosko Kacarevic

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Ann Barnhardt Interview

Dear readers,

It's been a long time since I've updated my blog, but this interview with Ann has inspired me to get back into writing because I think there are still many people that need help understanding the TRUE nature of the crisis ahead of us.

I personally can relate to Ann's point of view regarding the National Futures Association because I've lived it as a licensed Commodities Broker in the USA from 2004 to 2007. I also have intimate knowledge of the PFG Best scandal that has never been exposed in the media, anywhere! I know exactly what she's talking about and how these people operate. And there are very few brokers in Canada that can say that, never mind how to protect your wealth from these criminals.

However there are other specialized solutions to managing financial risk in the coming crisis than owning gold or silver. These solutions are only available to my exclusive "CMC Elite Members," and no one in the "gold camp" is talking about it because it doesn't involve gold or silver.


Bosko Kacarevic

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bondholder Backlash

Negative bond yields causing longterm investors to rethink their holdings. "Why should someone want to own a five-year bond with a negative interest rate," says Don Coxe chairman of Coxe Advisors LLP in Toronto. Pension funds and other large investors are starting to diversify into gold.