This is precisely why we strictly deal in high quality "investment grade" bullion products, NO collector coins. Not that collector coins are bad, it's just they are more difficult to verify for authenticity. We believe that if investors want leverage in their gold portfolio the best place is the gold mining companies and of course our trusted source for mining shares is none other than,
Bob Chapman of the
International Forecaster.
He answers everyone and if you ask nicely he'll give you his stock recommendations at no cost. Besides, all our bullion suppliers are rigorously investigated and tested before we do any business with them. We verify all credentials of our refiners through the Certified Coin Exchange and the International Standards Organization (ISO) for certification. We do NOT accept walk-in business so all the products we trade are from existing clients. Our focus is on building long-term relationships with our clients to ensure a "closed loop" system of trade. Any product we sell, is a product we stand behind. Any product we buy is examined for purity and tested for authenticity. We have access to highly sophisticated X-Ray devices that measure the purity and full composition of any metal. The personal nature in the way we conduct business and the fact that all products we purchase are thoroughly examined before any cash is paid out will deter any counterfeiters from attempting to sell us fake product. People cannot just come into our office to make a quick deal and leave. Most products are sent to our warehouse before any funds are released. We spend the time with our clients to get to know them and ask many questions about their investment ideas. For those of you that have been to our office in person, know that we deal in an intimate setting and our office is not open to the public. All clients must book an appointment before they visit. BK
Counterfeiters BEWARE!
You're up against the best technology: